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Press Release


{ 2/7/2011 12:00:00 AM }

The OAO LUKOIL Press Service would like to call the attention of the business community to the fact that the information on a certain ООО LUKOIL-RESERVNEFTEPRODUCT website found on the Internet at http://www.lukoilreservnefte.ru may be misleading as to its affiliation with OAO LUKOIL.

The said site is registered in the name of a private individual for the period from December 13, 2010 to December 13, 2011. Neither LUKOIL-Reservnefteпродукт, nor LUKOIL-Reservnefteproduct are listed as entities in the registry of the RF Federal Tax Service. The content and design of the said site by no means comply with the standards of the web representative offices of the companies conducting legal commercial activities. This and other facts suggest that this site may have been created for the purpose of conducting fraudulent activities on the oil and petroleum-product market.

Under these circumstances, the Press Service declares that OAO LUKOIL shall not bear any responsibility for possible undesirable consequences that may arise as a result of commercial relations with ООО LUKOIL-RESERVNEFTEPRODUCT.

  • Press release in PDF