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Press Release


{ 4/14/2010 12:00:00 AM }

LUKOIL has received the The best filling station of 2009 award. The contest was sponsored by the monthly magazine Modern filling station. The Matrosovo dual-purpose filling station located at the Kantemirovsky bridge on Vyborgskaya Embankment at the Neva River, St. Petersburg, was recognized the best filling station of 2009.

The filling station services both cars and small-size vessels during the navigation period at the Neva River. It can handle about 500 fillings per day, including 60 fillings of small size vessels. The onshore section of the station comprises four fuel-dispensing units with three types of gasoline and diesel fuel operating 24 hours a day in the automatic mode. At the quay a sailor-operator fills the water transport with AI-95 gasoline or diesel fuel via one fuel-dispensing unit. In accordance with the safety requirements, the vessels are filled only one at a time and only in daylight. The filling station complies with all environmental requirements applicable to regular filling stations, as well as with the construction standards for offshore petroleum transshipment terminals.

The four reservoirs for AI-92 (25 cubic meters), AI-95 (25 cubic meters), and AI-98 (10 cubic meters) gasoline and diesel fuel (40 cubic meters) were constructed according to the “glass in glass” principle with control of the insulation space to ensure their leakproofness. They are also equipped with an overflow protection system and a gas return system. The metal of the reservoirs is covered outside with a special layer according to the fire requirements for subsurface storage reservoirs located in the coastal area. In case of petroleum product spills the guard boat is capable of immediately setting floating booms and using sorbents to absorb the gasoline spills from the water surface. The filling station is equipped with the fuel-dispensing units produced by the Swedish company Wayne Dresser with a gas return system, which captures up to 95% of the harmful vapors. The plastic fuel pipes have the minimum safety expectancy of 30 years. The ground section of the filling station is connected to the local waste water treatment system.

The dual-purpose filling station was constructed to satisfy the needs of the residents due to the increased number of small-sized vessels on the Neva River. LUKOIL intends to carry on construction of the filling stations for ground and water transport in busy water areas both in Russia and abroad.

  • Press release in PDF