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Press Release


{ 12/16/2014 12:00:00 AM }

LUKOIL has won the “Green Ray” national award in the area of environmental protection, the “Eco-Friendly Business” category. The award ceremony took place on December 15, in St. Petersburg, as part of the festive events dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the All-Russian Society for Environmental Protection.

The ceremony's guest list included G.S. Poltavchenko, Governor of St. Petersburg, I.I. Nikitchuk, First Deputy Chairman of the RF State Duma Committee on Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, M.V. Slipenchuk, Chairman of the Guardianship Board of the Central Council under the All-Russian Society for Environmental Protection, Deputy Chairman of the RF State Duma Committee on Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, V.N. Matveyev, Chairman of the Committee on Environmental Management, Environmental Protection and Security under the St. Petersburg Administration, and representatives of 45 regional subdivisions of the All-Russian Society for Environmental Protection, as well as various heads of Russian companies and federal departments.

In addition, the LUKOIL representatives participated in a round-table discussion titled “Ecology and Business - Open Space” held under the auspices of the All-Russian Society for Environmental Protection in St. Petersburg. Yu.V. Babak, Executive Director of the All-Russian Society for Environmental Protection, and A.N. Abashin, Head of OAO LUKOIL’s Environmental and Industrial Safety Division, presented their reports on the development outlook of the partnership interaction between environmental engineers and entrepreneurs - based on the example of cooperation between OAO LUKOIL and the All-Russian Society for Environmental Protection, as well as on the experience in the establishment of a corporate environmental-protection system.

  • Press release in PDF