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Press Release


{ 11/17/2011 12:00:00 AM }

UKOIL won the Second All-Russia Contest of Healthy Lifestyle Projects, “Healthy Russia”, in the category “Best Corporate Project”. The contest, part of a state program designed to promote a healthy lifestyle, was held under the auspices of the RF Ministry of Healthcare and Social Development.

LUKOIL’s presentation was a program titled “Promotion of a Healthy Lifestyle in the Company”.

The program, underway over a number of years, comprises a set of measures aimed at maintaining a healthy lifestyle for the employees and residents of the Company’s regions of activity, medical assistance to the employees and also disease prevention. It also incorporates the support of children’s sports teams, implementation of charity programs designed to propagate a healthy lifestyle, and the promotion of voluntary corporate donorship as a key element of the healthy lifestyle concept.

The most ambitious effort on the part of the Company to promote physical fitness and mass sports is the staging of International Spartakiades for LUKOIL Group personnel. LUKOIL was one of the first Russian companies to have brought the Spartakiade movement back to life. Five Spartakiades have already been held, while the latest one took place in the city of Perm earlier this year.

A top priority is to support the development of sports for children and youth. For more than ten years now, the Company has given its support to the Children’s Football League, one of Russia’s largest organizations in this field. Each year, the League organizes tournaments for nearly 3,000 teams with 55,000 football players from all over Russia.

The Company wages construction of various sports facilities, including stadiums, swimming pools and sports grounds, in the regions of its activity. The LUKOIL Sports Club, jointly with Russia’s leading athletes, veterans and professional sports clubs, organizes charity events like “Believe in Yourself!” and “Live with Sports!”. The annual events are mainly focused on propagating a healthy lifestyle. A new category, “Sport”, has been added to the competition of social and cultural projects, with winners getting corporate grants.

  • Press release in PDF