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Press Release


{ 3/27/2015 12:00:00 AM }

LUKOIL’s First Vice President, Vladimir Nekrasov completed a working trip to Romania to meet the management of the PETROTEL-LUKOIL Refinery in Ploiești. The agenda of the meeting was focused around a set of operational topics and the preparation for scheduled maintenance, for which the refinery will be shut down on March 29, 2015.

Mr. Nekrasov also met with the representatives of the RF Embassy in Romania and LUKOIL-Romania’s management.

“A large scope of work was completed in 2014 at the PETROTEL-LUKOIL Refinery, for instance an efficiency enhancement program was implemented and feed stock pool was optimized, bringing Romanian oil, Romex Heavy, into the refining process. We will continue to pay special attention to the development of the Ploiești refinery to ensure uninterrupted supplies of high quality products to the Romanian market,” Mr. Nekrasov said.

  • Press release in PDF