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Press Release


{ 11/26/2012 12:00:00 AM }

LUKOIL has joined the Green Office project launched by Greenpeace.

The project requires the fulfillment of voluntary obligations aimed at office ecology improvement.

Participation in this project will allow the Company to cut office maintenance costs and greatly reduce both power consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.

The project provides for a number of energy saving measures in the following key areas:

· Electric power (elimination of glow lamps, use of automated illumination control systems: photo relay, motion sensors, presence sensors);

· Heating (use of a manual or automated heat supply system operating depending on the presence of employees in office);

· Water (utilization of water meters, water consumption payments according to their readings);

· Resources (utilization of paper and sanitary products manufactured either fully or partially from recycled materials, documents printed on both sides, separate collection of waste in at least three categories: paper, plastic, glass, disposable cutlery excluded);

· Toxic contamination (no household chemicals containing chlorine or chloroorganics, as well as phosphates and phosphonates, collection and recycling of exhausted office printer cartridges, exhausted office equipment, batteries and accumulators).

In LUKOIL’s headquarters in Moscow, the majority of the above obligations have already been fulfilled. Some of the measures were taken only partially and are to be implemented in full soon.

  • Press release in PDF