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Press Release


{ 9/3/2013 12:00:00 AM }

An exhibition titled “Romanovs: The Portrait of a Dynasty,” dedicated to the 400th anniversary of the House of Romanov, was opened today in Moscow, sponsored by OAO LUKOIL, with the State Historical Museum serving as a venue.

More than 400 exhibits, realized in different techniques of the fine arts, represent the best part of the Museum’s collection of portraits of tsars and grand dukes of the late 17th through the early 20th century.

The exposition consists of eight sections covering the basic periods of the reign of the House of Romanov.

The works of many outstanding Russian artists are represented in the exhibition, namely, painters F.S. Rokotov and I.E. Repin, engravers A.F. Zubov and E.P. Chemesov, watercolorists P.F. Sokolov and A.P. Brullov, and sculptors F.F. Shchedrin and M.M. Antokolsky. Nearly half of the works are being exhibited for the first time.

The exhibition will be open through January 30, 2014.

In 2012, the Company sponsored an exhibition named “Catherine the Second: Road to the Throne,” also organized by the Historical Museum.

  • Press release in PDF