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Press Release


{ 3/30/2009 12:00:00 AM }

OAO LUKOIL Press Service announces that Nikolay Nikolaev, General Director of OOO “LUKOIL-Nizhnevolzhskneft”, has been appointed General Director of OOO “LUKOIL-Volgogradneftegaz”, whose duties he previously combined.

ООО "LUKOIL-Volgogradneftegaz” specializes in the search, exploration and development of oil, gas and gas-condensate fields, and is engaged in oil and gas production in Volgograd region, Astrakhan region, Krasnodar territory and the Republic of Kalmykia.

The press service also announces that Yuri Kadzhoyan, General Director of OOO “LUKOIL-Kaliningradmorneft”, has been appointed General Director of OOO “LUKOIL-Nizhnevolzhskneft” (with the office in Astrakhan) to combine the duties.

ООО “LUKOIL-Nizhnevolzhskneft” is LUKOIL’s head organization specializing in the development of oil and gas fields located in the Caspian Sea.

  • Press release in PDF