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Press Release


{ 3/25/2015 12:00:00 AM }

The Press Service announces that Sergey Malyukov, OAO LUKOIL Vice-president, emerged the winner of the Second National Contest “Internal Auditor of the Year” in the category “Head of Internal Audit Service of a Public Company”. The awards process was part of the VII National Conference “Internal Audit in Russia: in the Focus of Changes”.

The Judging Panel included highly qualified specialists who have an impeccable professional reputation and vast experience of work in the spheres of internal audit, compliance control and corporate governance.

The contest was organized by the non-profit partnership “Institute of Internal Auditors” – the largest Russian professional association of internal auditors, internal controllers and control and auditing departments’ specialists. It is the sole representative of The Institute of Internal Auditor, USA, in Russia.

  • Press release in PDF