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Press Release


{ 9/25/2015 12:00:00 AM }

PJSC LUKOIL reports that on the 22nd of September 2015, the district tribunal of Prahova (Romania) decided to adjust the amount of damages allegedly caused by S.C. PETROTEL LUKOIL S.A. PLOIESTI and LUKOIL EUROPE HOLDINGS BV and some of its employees. The charges were brought by the Prosecutors’ Office under the Chamber of Appeals of the city of Ploesti.

On the basis of the Prosecutor’s notes to the previously submitted calculations, the injunctive measures applied upon S.C. PETROTEL LUKOIL S.A. PLOIESTI were reduced to less than a third.

Romanian tax authorities have also completed the audit of PETROTEL LUKOIL in the sphere of local taxes (including property tax, land tax, etc.) due for the period from 2010 to the first half of 2015. The tax audit established that in general PETROTEL LUKOIL pays the local taxes on time, in full and in conformity with the law.

  • Press release in PDF