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Press Release


{ 5/27/2016 12:00:00 AM }

PJSC “LUKOIL” Press Service warns all the parties involved of a legal entity, registered, February 19, 2016, as LUKOIL GRUPP Limited Liability Company and abbreviated to OOO “LUKOIL GRUPP” or «ЛУКОЙЛ ГРУПП» (OGRN 1161215052118, VAT No. 1216025024, legal address: Office 5, 77 Orlova street, Volzhsk, Mari-El 425000). This company, represented by a sole stakeholder Azaliya R. Vagizova, has no relation to LUKOIL Group.

Neither PJSC “LUKOIL”, nor any structure within LUKOIL Group has legal relationship with OOO “LUKOIL GRUPP” and shall be liable for any possible undesirable effect, which might occur as a result of a contact with OOO “LUKOIL GRUPP” and/or any parties acting on its behalf.

PJSC “LUKOIL” Press Service would like to advise, that the Company is undertaking all legal actions, envisaged by the effective legislation of the Russian Federation, to prevent possible negative effect of OOO “LUKOIL GRUPP” actions, discontinue the illegal use of the registered trademark, and is taking other measures to reinstate the Company’s infringed rights and legally protected interests.

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