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Press Release


{ 9/16/2009 12:00:00 AM }

OAO LUKOIL Press Service would like to inform all concerned parties of the fact that the number of inquiries to the Company in regard to certain Russian commercial entities which supply petroleum products to foreign markets has been on the rise recently.

These inquiries which come from potential customers mainly account for the fact that the names of the supplying companies, as well as the content and the design of their websites, suggest they are part of LUKOIL Group.

For instance, certain individuals sign contracts to supply large quantities of petroleum products to foreign markets by using the name of an existing company which is part of LUKOIL Group, OAO Komineft.

To operate their businesses, these individuals are using the following web resources: http://www.komi-neft.ru and http://www.komi-neft.ru/ru/index-ru.html, whose content is falsified.

However, ОАО Komineft, which does belong to LUKOIL Group, does not supply petroleum products to foreign markets.

OAO LUKOIL Press Service would like to draw the attention of all interested parties to the fact that LUKOIL Group petroleum products are distributed on foreign markets solely by LITASCO (a wholly owned subsidiary of OAO LUKOIL): http://www.litasco.com/.

Therefore, OAO LUKOIL Press Service urges all potential customers to scrutinize the identity of potential partners before entering into any transactions and to abstain from commercial contacts in the sphere of petroleum products supply to foreign markets with any Russian companies claiming to be subsidiaries of LUKOIL Group.

OAO LUKOIL Press Service would like to declare that the Company shall bear no responsibility whatsoever for possible undesirable consequences, which may arise as a result of dealing with the said companies.

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