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Press Release


{ 12/6/2013 12:00:00 AM }

The OAO LUKOIL Press Service would like to inform all interested parties about the activities of a certain TPP YAMALNEFTEGAZ distributing petroleum-product offers for sale. Specifically, in its correspondence with potential buyers, the company introduces itself as a refining enterprise of LUKOIL Group, which is completely false.

It is obvious that this false information is primarily intended for foreign entrepreneurs who do not have sufficient information about LUKOIL Group’s structure and petroleum-product trading system.

The press service would like to inform all potential buyers of oil and petroleum products that LUKOIL’s exclusive trader, LITASCO Group (http://www.litasco.com), is solely responsible for its petroleum-product sales abroad.

The press service would also like to warn job seekers against responding to the news of vacancies in LUKOIL Group from IGOR RECRUITMENT AGENCY distributing questionnaires on the headed paper of the so-called “LUKOIL Oil & Gas Russia” in order to obtain personal data.

Under these circumstances, the company bears no responsibility for any undesirable consequences that may result from contacts with TPP YAMALNEFTEGAZ or IGOR RECRUITMENT AGENCY.

  • Press release in PDF