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Press Release


{ 5/27/2024 8:53:10 AM }

Due to mass media reports concerning oil spills in Usinsk district of Komi Republic, which resulted in pollution of the Kolva river, the OAO LUKOIL Press Service would like to make the following statement:

The company’s enterprises operating in Komi Republic were not involved in any way in the oil spills mentioned in the above statements.

This fact has been confirmed by the report of an Interdepartmental Commission which last May conducted ground and aerovisual inspections of the company’s oil fields located in the Kolva basin to monitor the implementation of measures aimed at a safe discharge of the 2013 spring flood. Among those taking part in the commission’s work also were some public representatives, including from environmental organizations.

In addition, the place where the traces of oil pollution were detected was much higher up the Kolva river than the location of the OOO LUKOIL-Komi fields. Considering this fact, it would be physically impossible to find oil from those fields in the upper river.

On this basis, the company reserves the right to all lawful means to protect its good name and reputation, including through a court proceeding.

  • Press release in PDF

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