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Press Release


{ 8/11/2016 12:00:00 AM } ​PJSC LUKOIL Press Service warns all the parties involved of spam messages sent on behalf of OOO "Rustoplivo" (Postal address: 394016, Russia, Voronezh, Voronezh Region, Moskovsky prospect, 19B, office 1216, TIN/RRC 3664209975/366401001, PSRN 1153668045530, current account No. 40702810913000009193, corresponding account No. 30101810600000000681, founder – Alexander Evgenievich Molchanov, general director – Ekaterina Alexandrovna Linnik) as a commercial proposal to purchase oil products, manufactured by PJSC LUKOIL.

PJSC LUKOIL Press Service informs that LUKOIL Group has no contractual relations for oil products supplies with OOO "Rustoplivo".

  • Press release in PDF

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