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Press Release


{ 6/7/2017 12:00:00 AM }

​The LUKOIL Press Service warns all the parties concerned of the illegal mailout of commercial offers to supply and store petroleum products at the LUKOIL-Trans tank farm in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Attachments to the e-mails, with counterfeit seals and altered signatures of LUKOIL Group's senior officials, also use the LUKOIL trademark unlawfully.

LUKOIL-Trans have no representative office in Rotterdam. They neither own, nor rent any tank farm there.

Please note that it is necessary to be careful when interacting with unknown parties and double-check the information contained in the submitted documents against LUKOIL's official websites www.lukoil.ru (Russian version) and www.lukoil.com (English version). ​

  • Press release in PDF

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