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Press Release


{ 12/8/2008 12:00:00 AM }

The OAO LUKOIL Press Service would like to warn all concerned parties that the website of ОАО Evrazoil, at http://www.evrazoil.com, contains information which may mislead potential partners of that company.

For example, excerpts from the interim consolidated financial statements of ОАО Evrazoil for three and six months of 2008 placed at http://www.evrazoil.com completely coincide with the interim consolidated financial statement of OAO LUKOIL for three and six months of 2008.

In addition to that, 9 out of 12 last names of ОАО Evrazoil heads, specified at http://www.evrazoil.com, “coincide” with the surnames of OAO LUKOIL top managers.

It is quite obvious that these coincidences are not accidental, but are a deliberate attempt to mislead potential clients.

The OAO LUKOIL Press Service also announces that the website http://www.evrazoil.com has been added to the Fake Site Database - http://db.aa419.org/fakebankslist.php.

Thus, the facts stated cannot help but cause doubts concerning the trustworthiness of ОАО Evrazoil’s intentions as regards their dealings with potential clients.

The slogan “Always Moving Forward” owned by OAO LUKOIL is also illegally used at http://www.evrazoil.com.

At present, the Company is looking at possibilities of taking legal measures against dissemination of dubious information via the website http://www.evrazoil.com.

  • Press release in PDF