Monday, September 23, 2019
The Press Service of PJSC LUKOIL announces new appointments in the Company.
Vladimir Dmitriyev, formerly general director of LUKOIL-Tsentrnefteprodukt, has been appointed head of oil products sales department at PJSC LUKOIL. He was succeeded by Andrey Gavrilets as the head of LUKOIL-Tsentrnefteprodukt who previously held the position of general director at LUKOIL-Uralnefteprodukt. Aydar Abuzyarov from LUKOIL Belarus succeeds Andrey Gavrilets as general director of LUKOIL-Uralnefteprodukt, while Dmitry Popov from the headquarters of PJSC LUKOIL has been appointed general director of LUKOIL Belarus.
The above appointments have taken place as part of the normal rotation of executives in the Company.