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Press Release


{ 11/10/2009 12:00:00 AM }

The Press Service of OAO LUKOIL brings to the attention of all concerned parties the fact that on May 5,2009 a company named OAO Southern Generating Company TGK-8 (tax payer ID 484047501, primary state registration number 1094823004847) was registered at the following address: building 5A, Zhukovskogo St., Lipetsk, 398006, using a name confusingly similar to that of OOO Southern Generating Company TGK-8, a LUKOIL Group company.

According to the System of Professional Analysis of Markets and Companies (SPARK) the activities declared by OAO Southern Generating Company TGK-8 are as follows: generation, transportation and distribution of electric power, steam and hot water, capital investments in securities and property, consulting on issues related to business operations and management.

These activities are similar to those of OOO Southern Generating Company TGK-8, thus posing a threat to impair the economic interests and goodwill of LUKOIL Group.

According to Part 3 Article 1474 of the RF Civil Code legal entities are prohibited from using a company name identical to that of another legal entity or similar to it to the extent that it may be confused, provided that the stated legal entities are engaged in similar economic activities and the company name of the latter legal entity was registered in the State Register of Legal Entities earlier than the company name of the former legal entity.

ОАО Southern Generating Company TGK-8 (at present ООО Southern Generating Company TGK-8), a LUKOIL Group company, was established on March 22, 2005 under State Registration Certificate No. 000855962.

In this connection LUKOIL reserves the right to resort to all measures provided by the RF legislation in order to terminate the activities of the entities illegally using the company name “Southern Generating Company TGK-8”.

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