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Press Release


{ 6/23/2009 12:00:00 AM }

OAO LUKOIL’s Press Service informs that Report No. 58-2009/CS GSM produced by GosNII GA (State Research Institute of Civil Aviation) on testing fuel samples taken on May 26, 2009 at OOO LUKOIL-AERO-Perm process facilities expressly sets out that the fuel quality is fully compliant with the existing standards.

The physical and chemical properties of the fuel are consistent with the requirements contained in GOST 10227-86 and Technical Regulations “On Requirements for Motor and Aviation Gasolines, Diesel Fuel, Ship Fuel, Jet Fuel and Fuel Oil”. The fuel has not been reported to contain either organic impurities or products of fuel chemical transformation.

The aforementioned testing took place in connection with an emergency landing of TU-204 aircraft making the Perm-Antalya (Turkey) flight and operated by Red Wings air lines on May 24, 2009 at the Krasnodar airport. The landing resulted from alarm actuation of the fuel filters clogging system.

A similar alarm actuation of the fuel filters clogging system of Red Wings’ TU-204 aircraft occurred on June 19, 2009 while landing at the Antalya airport.

Consequently on June 21 and 22, 2009 GosNII GA’s committee performed re-sampling and re-testing of fuel at OOO LUKOIL-AERO-Perm process facilities located at the Bolshoye Savino airport (Perm). The report of the committee specifically states that during the first testing stage, aviation kerosene purity levels were assessed both visually and using fuel quality indicators. Preliminary assessment revealed full compliance of the fuel with the industrywide standards.

For further testing purposes, the aviation kerosene samples were sealed and delivered to GosNII GA's laboratory. The research results will become available at the end of June this year.

The Company is confident that re-testing will reconfirm compliance of the fuel properties with the requirements set out in GOST 10227-86 and Technical Regulations. OAO LUKOIL is fully aware of its responsibilities regarding air transportation safety and guarantees that the jet fuel supplied by it to the air lines is 100% reliable.

At present, the fuelling complex of OOO LUKOIL-AERO-Perm at the Bolshoye Savino airport operates in its regular mode.

  • Press release in PDF