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Press Release


{ 7/30/2009 12:00:00 AM }

The OAO LUKOIL Press Service would like to draw the attention of all concerned parties to the reoccurring cases of Internet fraud regarding the information available on the Company's official web-sites: www.lukoil.ru and www.lukoil.com.

For instance, using the website www.lukoil.org.uk certain parties having neither an affiliation with LUKOIL nor with its subsidiaries have mislead Internet users regarding employment with the Company.

The OAO LUKOIL Press Service would like to inform the public that the said website is a poor compilation of the official websites which are affiliated with the Company. We call on Internet users not to use the false contact information specified on this site as a means of avoiding unwanted consequences.

In addition, we do not advise contacting the company YUGOSTEKOIL, which has illegally copied information from OAO LUKOIL's official web estate and carelessly placed it onto their own site, www.yugostekoil.ru.

The OAO LUKOIL Press Service would also like to announce that the Company shall bear no responsibility for possible and/or unwanted consequences which may arise as a result of using the erroneous information placed on such sites.

The Company also intends to take all available measures in preventing further distribution of misleading information through the named web resources.

  • Press release in PDF