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Press Release


{ 2/16/2009 12:00:00 AM }

The OAO LUKOIL Press Service would like to call the attention of all those concerned to the activities of certain companies disseminating offers for the sale of crude oil and petroleum products. These companies call themselves “OAO “ЛУКОИЛ” and “ЛУСОИЛ” in Russian, and also “LUCOIL” and “OAO LUC OIL” in English.

These companies use confusingly identical names which may mislead their potential partners.

What’s more, none of the above-mentioned companies has a registration anywhere in the Russian Federation. The companies show false addresses on their letterheads, like “11/6 Sretensky boulevard Moscow”, which simply does not exist.

All this is evidence that what the companies do is a confidence trick.

In order to protect its legitimate interests and business reputation, OAO LUKOIL is planning to appeal to the Department for Economic Security of the Russian Federation Ministry of the Interior.

  • Press release in PDF