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Press Release


{ 3/16/2009 12:00:00 AM }

The ОАО LUKOIL Press Service would like to inform all parties concerned of the activities of a certain Oleg Shokhin, who posts job advertisements in the Internet.

Moreover, in his contact information, the person naming himself Oleg Shokhin, indicates Moscow telephone numbers belonging to OAO LUKOIL and the English-language web-site of the Company: www.lukoil.com.

For this reason, a number of applicants have appealed to the Company asking to confirm or refute Oleg Shokhin’s involvement in OAO LUKOIL business.

In this connection, the OAO LUKOIL Press Service would like to state that the Company has nothing to do with the said job advertisements placed in the Internet on behalf of the said person and shall not bear any responsibility for possible negative consequences of his actions.

Among other things, the person calling himself Oleg Shokhin seeks to obtain personal information from the applicants, including their banking details, and suggests dubious financial transactions to cash checks.

  • Press release in PDF