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Press Release


{ 12/8/2010 12:00:00 AM }

LUKOIL has been awarded a 2010 Certificate by the World Refining Association (WRA) for best refinery management among Russian and CIS companies.

Among other things, the WRA experts marked LUKOIL’s investments in priority conversion projects, such as the construction of a catalytic cracking unit at the Nizhny Novgorod refinery and hydrocracking units at the Volgograd and Burgas refineries. Due to the “preventive” investment strategy, LUKOIL complies with both the requirements of the RF Technical Regulations and the European standards for engine fuel quality. From 2006 to 2010 LUKOIL also demonstrated considerable progress in bridging the gaps in the Solomon system.

The WRA is one of the world’s leading independent information organizations in the area of oil and gas refining and also in the electric power sector. Award winners were chosen through a vote of the association members, among them representatives of oil companies, engineering and design organizations and also representatives of consulting companies in the oil refining industry.

  • Press release in PDF