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Press Release


{ 5/26/2011 12:00:00 AM }

The OAO LUKOIL Press Service would like to draw the attention of the business community to the behavior of certain individuals who send out offers to export crude oil and petroleum products on behalf of OOO LUKOIL-Primorieneftegaz, a subsidiary of OAO LUKOIL.

In this regard, the Press Service informs all interested parties that OOO LUKOIL-Primorieneftegaz does not perform any operations for the export supplies of crude oil or petroleum products.

The address specified in the offers being distributed does not coincide with the actual place of business of OOO LUKOIL-Primorieneftegaz. Moreover, the offers bear a seal which has nothing in common with that of OOO LUKOIL-Primorieneftegaz. The signature on the offers does not belong to anyone employed with OOO LUKOIL-Primorieneftegaz.

In this regard, the Press Service calls for refraining from any commercial contacts with the individuals pretending to be representatives of OOO LUKOIL-Primorieneftegaz. The Press Service also announces that OAO LUKOIL does not assume any liability for possible adverse effects of commercial contacts with the above-mentioned persons.

The Press Service would also like to remind that the only supplier of LUKOIL’s crude oil and petroleum products to the international markets is its wholly-owned subsidiary LITASCO, see: http://www.litasco.com/index.html.

  • Press release in PDF