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Press Release


{ 12/30/2011 12:00:00 AM }

The OAO LUKOIL Press Service would like to draw the attention of all interested parties to what may be a fraudulence attempt using the name of a Company representative.

Specifically, emails with offers of employment in a company named “Luk Oil” are being sent out by unspecified persons on behalf of a member of OAO LUKOIL’s Board of Directors. In addition, the would-be job seekers are requested to remit a certain sum of money in order to receive confirmation of their having landed a job. The contact details provided are non-existent mail addresses and telephone numbers in Moscow and London.

The Company Press Service announces that neither OAO LUKOIL, nor any of its subsidiaries have dispatched any job offers via the electronic mail, to say nothing of claims of money from those applying for employment.

Under these circumstances, the Company strongly recommends that groups refrain from any contacts with those sending out job offers on behalf of BOD members or other executives of OAO LUKOIL.

The Press Service declares that OAO LUKOIL shall bear no responsibility for any would-be undesirable effect of contacting those involved in disseminating such job offers.

  • Press release in PDF