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Press Release


{ 11/6/2012 12:00:00 AM }

The OAO LUKOIL Press Service would like to inform the public of the illegal activities by a certain individual who presents himself to legal entities and individuals as the son of one of the Company’s top managers.

Law enforcement officials have discovered that this man is Yevgeny Chigvintsev, seemingly around twenty years of age, connected to the investigation of a number of criminal cases related to theft and fraud.

The Press Service announces that Yevgeny Chigvintsev has neither family, nor any other relationship with any of OAO LUKOIL employees and recommends that law enforcement agencies be contacted if this individual should pass himself off as a relative of a well-known businessman or politician and offer “profitable” transactions.

The Press Service would also like to warn all those concerned that real-estate owners abroad recently began receiving e-mail allegedly on behalf of OAO LUKOIL top managers.

The Press Service declares that neither the Company, nor any of its top managers ever use publicly-accessible webmail services to e-mail official letters.

  • Press release in PDF