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Press Release


{ 2/7/2013 12:00:00 AM }

The LUKOIL Press Service would like to alert all interested parties about new attempts to conduct fraudulent activities on the Russian petroleum product market.

The Company has learned that at the moment OOO AUTOTRADE and ZAO VOSTOKNEFTEGAZ are sending commercial offers regarding the deliveries of petroleum products, allegedly on behalf of OOO LUKOIL-Rezervnefteprodukt. Both the documents and letters of guarantee on behalf of LUKOIL-Rezervnefteprodukt are fakes, while the respective seals are falsified.

The Press Service strongly advises to closely study the documents provided by potential suppliers and search for their identity either in LUKOIL or OOO LUKOIL-Rezervnefteprodukt.

The LUKOIL Press Service declares that the Company shall not bear responsibility for possible undesirable consequences that may arise as a result of commercial relations with such illegitimate “partners”.

  • Press release in PDF