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Press Release


{ 2/26/2014 12:00:00 AM }

The OAO LUKOIL Press Service announces that a fire outbreak took place today at 12:35 p.m. in the ethylene production unit gas separation workshop at the Stavrolen Petrochemical Complex located in Budennovsk (a wholly-owned OAO LUKOIL subsidiary).

The fire outbreak has since been contained.

No threat is posed to the environment or health of the employees or the Budennovsk population as a result of the incident.

During the incident fifteen employees have been injured, with four of them taken to hospital, while medical assistance was provided to the rest at the local medical station.

Due to the incident, the production process has been suspended.

The cause of the incident, the nature and scope of the damage, as well as the production resumption period will be determined by a special commission in cooperation with the representatives of the state supervisory authorities.

  • Press release in PDF