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Press Release


{ 1/27/2015 12:00:00 AM }

The OAO LUKOIL Press Service announces that the company has sent an official letter to the Ukrainian Security Service’s Main Investigation Department laying out LUKOIL position as regards the current situation around its operations in Ukrainian territory.

The letter says, among other things, that LUKOIL entered the international arena more than two decades ago and is now represented in almost 50 countries. Strict adherence to international law and the national legislations of the countries where it operates has always been and forever remains the company’s basic and unfailing principle. LUKOIL performs its operations in strict conformity with the law, which is confirmed by the company’s unstained reputation with its business partners, investors and customers. For this reason LUKOIL is interested in a prompt investigation of this case to ensure that all the actual facts are clarified thoroughly and objectively. The company is prepared to engage in strong cooperation with the law-enforcement agencies and to furnish them with information, as requested, regarding its operations in Ukraine.

OAO LUKOIL has not received any official messages from the Ukrainian party, with the only exception of an information bulletin, published on the Ukrainian Security Service’s site as far back as January 16, 2015.

  • Press release in PDF