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Press Release


{ 10/3/2014 12:00:00 AM }

The OAO LUKOIL Press Service reports that on the 2nd of October 2014, Romania’s law-enforcement agencies carried out an inspection in the offices of LUKOIL Group companies on the territory of the PETROTEL-LUKOIL refinery in Ploesti.

As requested, the agencies were provided with financial documents and electronic information resources of the PETROTEL-LUKOIL refinery.

No charges were brought against LUKOIL Group’s companies or their employees.

Production at PETROTEL-LUKOIL in Ploesti was not halted, the refinery is operating as usual.

“We are sure that the Romanian law-enforcement agencies will sort everything out and a fair decision will be taken. LUKOIL has been operating in Romania since 1998 and currently is the largest Russian fuel-and-energy company on the Romanian market. So far, there have been no issues between the company and Romania’s tax authorities or law-enforcement agencies. Taxes to the state budget were made without fail, high-quality products were supplied to the Romanian customers,” Vladimir Nekrasov, First Vice-president of OAO LUKOIL, commented.

  • Press release in PDF