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Press Release


{ 4/5/2016 12:00:00 AM }

The Press Service of PJSC LUKOIL would like to inform all concerned parties that on 31.03.2016 a legal entity was incorporated called Limited Liability Company LUKOIL-REZERVNEFTEPRODUKT (abbreviated company name OOO LUKOIL-REZERVNEFTEPRODUKT, OGRN 1167746323580, INN 7723439522, address: 232-118 Lyublinskaya Street, Moscow, 119144, sole shareholder Aleksey Victorovich Vykhodtsev, INN 772334755720) which has no relation to the LUKOIL Group.

The Press Service of the Company reports that PJSC LUKOIL Group includes Limited Liability Company LUKOIL-Rezervnefteprodukt (abbreviated company name OOO LUKOIL-Rezervnefteprodukt, OGRN 1097746100187, INN 7709825967, registered address: 1 Bolshaya Ordynka Street, Moscow, Russia, sole shareholder PJSC LUKOIL, OGRN 1027700035769, INN 7708004767).

PJSC LUKOIL and LUKOIL Group entities have no legal relations with OOO LUKOIL-REZERVNEFTEPRODUKT (OGRN 1167746323580, INN 7723439522) and are not responsible for any undesirable implications which may arise for any third parties as a result of their dealings with LUKOIL-REZERVNEFTEPRODUKT (OGRN 1167746323580, INN 7723439522) and/or any persons representing it.

PJSC LUKOIL is undertaking a package of legal measures as provided by the effective legislation of the Russian Federation to prevent potential negative consequences of LUKOIL-REZERVNEFTEPRODUKT's activities, the improper use of the company name which is identical to the brand name of the right holder as well as other actions aimed at restoring the violated rights and legal interests of OOO LUKOIL-Rezervnefteprodukt as a result of the above circumstances.

  • Press release in PDF