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Press Release


{ 4/17/2012 12:00:00 AM }

The OAO LUKOIL Press Service would like to announce that Azat Shamsuarov, formerly a Vice President of the Company and General Director of OOO LUKOIL-West Siberia, has been appointed OAO LUKOIL Vice President for Oil and Gas Production.

Sergey Kochkurov, formerly First Deputy General Director and Chief Engineer of OOO LUKOIL-West Siberia, has been promoted to General Director.

Sergey Kochkurov (1963) is a graduate of Ufa Petroleum Institute, class of 1986, of Tyumen State Oil and Gas University (2004) and of the Institute of Oil and Gas Business (2009).

He was employed in the Vatyeganneft Oil-and-gas Production Association from 1986 to 1995 and in OOO LUKOIL-West Siberia since then, holding various positions.

  • Press release in PDF