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Press Release


{ 5/3/2012 12:00:00 AM }

The OAO LUKOIL Press Service would like to draw the attention of all interested parties to instances of attempted fraudulence on the international petroleum-product market.

The Company has knowledge that certain persons are currently sending out commercial offers regarding the export of oil and petroleum products on behalf of OOO Saratovorgsintez (a LUKOIL Group organization), which is called by them ООО «САРАТОВОРГСИНТЕЗ НЕФТЕПЕРЕРАБАТЫВАЮЩИЙ ЗАВОД» and/or OOO SARATOVORGSINTEZ REFINERY.

In their offers, the fraudsters use the actual legal and physical address of OOO Saratovorgsintez, as well as its details.

Under these circumstances the OAO LUKOIL Press Service would like to point out the fact that OOO Saratovorgsintez manufactures petrochemicals and does not supply oil and petroleum products to either the domestic or foreign market.

The Press Service should also note that OOO Saratovorgsintez does not have a subsidiary or a representative office in Moscow and the web-site www.saratovorgsintez.ru used on its behalf is not the official site of the organization, namely, www.saratov.lukoil.com.

The OAO LUKOIL Press Service strongly recommends that groups closely examine the suppliers that claim to be acting on behalf of OAO LUKOIL or its subsidiaries.

The OAO LUKOIL Press Service declares that the Company shall not bear responsibility for possible undesirable consequences that may arise as a result of commercial relations with such “partners”.

  • Press release in PDF