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Press Release


{ 5/29/2012 12:00:00 AM }

The OAO LUKOIL Press Service would like to alert all concerned parties to the fact that the manufacturing and marketing of packed oil goods is being conducted across the territory of the People’s Republic of China, with the shape of containers, the shape and the colors of the labels, as well as the presented information, including the logos, so similar to those used by LUKOIL Group organizations that they may be confused with the Company’s products.

An inspection of one of the spare-auto-parts shops in the city of Xian revealed that certain goods were sold under the LUKOII trademark. In addition, the website http://lukoiichina.com/contact.asp uses the OAO LUKOIL corporate style, photos of LUKOIL’s top management, administrative buildings and other facilities, and advertizes packaged lubes under the logo so similar to the OAO LUKOIL trademark that it may be misleading.

The OAO LUKOIL Press Service would like to create awareness among the business community of the fact that the information found on http://lukoiichina.com/contact.asp may mislead the consumers as to the affiliation of the manufacturer of the goods, advertized at the above site, with OAO LUKOIL.

For this reason, the OAO LUKOIL Press Service would like to declare that the above Internet site and the goods it advertizes bear no relation to the Company or other organizations of LUKOIL Group, nor to their products. The Company bears no responsibility for possible undesirable consequences of commercial relations with the parties whose contacts are published at http://lukoiichina.com/contact.asp. ОАО LUKOIL reserves the right to resort to all protective measures provided for by the applicable legislation in order to protect its rights and legitimate interests.

The OAO LUKOIL Press Service would like to remind that OAO LUKOIL branded oils are manufactured and sold by its subsidiary, ООО LLK-INTERNATIONAL (http://www.lukoil-masla.ru/).

  • Press release in PDF