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Press Release


{ 6/22/2012 12:00:00 AM }

The OAO LUKOIL Press Service would like to draw the attention of all interested parties to new attempts at fraudulent activities on the international petroleum-product market.

The Company has learned that certain persons are sending commercial offers regarding the export of oil and petroleum products on behalf of «НИЖЕГОРОДНЕФТЕОРГСИНТЕЗ» and/or «ООО «NIZHEGORODNEFTEORGSINTEZ OIL REFINERY».

In addition, some of these offers use the actual address of OOO LUKOIL-Nizhegorodnefteorgsintez (NORSI), a LUKOIL Group subsidiary.

The Press Service would also like to caution the public that the web-site of OAO NK NORSI-OIL can be found in the Internet at the following address: http://norsioil.ru, which is not the official web-site of OOO LUKOIL-Nizhegorodnefteorgsintez - http://www.nnos.lukoil.ru.

Under these circumstances, the OAO LUKOIL Press Service would like to point out that OOO LUKOIL-Nizhegorodnefteorgsintez neither supplies oil and petroleum products to the foreign market, nor maintains a subsidiary or office in Moscow.

The OAO LUKOIL Press Service strongly recommends that the suppliers who claim to be acting on behalf of OAO LUKOIL or its subsidiaries be carefully examined.

The Press Service declares that the Company shall not bear any responsibility for possible undesirable consequences that may result from commercial relations with such illegitimate “partners”.

  • Press release in PDF