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Press Release


{ 9/5/2014 12:00:00 AM }

Vadim Vorobyev, OAO LUKOIL Vice-President for Coordination of Petroleum Product Sales, Vladimir Dmitriev, General Director of ООО LUKOIL-Tsentrnefteprodukt, Alexander Dolgikh, General Director of ООО LICARD, and Roman Ivanov, Director of the Mercedes-Benz Dealership of ООО LUKOIL-Tsentrnefteprodukt, presented prizes to the winners of the campaign titled “Flight to MMArS with LUKOIL”. The awards ceremony was held today at LUKOIL’s exhibition stand of the Moscow International Automobile Salon, MIAS-2014 (in Russian, the acronym for the event, MMAC, sounds like planet Mars).

Vladislav Khisamov from Aramil, Sverdlovsk Oblast, won the first prize, an E-class Mercedes-Benz, while the other finalists received Samsung tablets.

“We seek to pay special attention to the promotion of partnership relations with LUKOIL Club members. Also, we are grateful to them for being loyal to us and for choosing our fuel. I am convinced that the prizes awarded today are additional demonstration of our gratitude to our clients,” Mr. Vorobyev said.

“Flight to MMArS with LUKOIL” took place from June 16 to August 10 at more than 2,000 of LUKOIL’s filling stations across Russia and included two stages. The most active participants of the LUKOIL Club, those purchasing at least 33 liters of any gasoline or 44 liters of diesel fuel at a time, were chosen in the first stage. Eight winners of the first stage were awarded by LUKOIL with a trip to Moscow at MIAS-2014, where the winner of the first prize was chosen from among them.

  • Press release in PDF