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Press Release


{ 10/1/2009 12:00:00 AM }

Vagit Alekperov, President of OAO LUKOIL, was awarded the Vladimir Shukhov Gold Medal today. The medal was presented for his outstanding contribution to elaboration of comprehensive engineering and technical solutions in the field of oil and gas production. This award was also granted in recognition of Mr. Alekperov’s excellence in offshore hydrocarbon field development projects.

The medal named after Vladimir G. Shukhov, an outstanding Russian scientist and engineer, was established in 1990 by the International Union of Scientific and Engineering Public Associations by virtue of Decree No.547 of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated July 10, 1989, and is awarded for remarkable achievements in science and technology.

The awarding ceremony was held after Vagit Alekperov delivered a lecture for the students of Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas.

  • Press release in PDF