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Press Release


{ 3/4/2008 12:00:00 AM }

Vagit Alekperov, President of OAO LUKOIL has visited Krasnopolyanskaya hydro power plant, an affiliate of TGK-8 South Generation Company.

Vladimir Lebedev, General Director of TGK-8, advised Mr. Alekperov on the plans to upgrade Krasnopolyanskaya hydro power plant and construct an eponymous Hydro Power Station-2, six kilometers downstream the Mzymta River.

As was reported earlier, the Board of Directors of ОАО LUKOIL approved the acquisition of a controlling interest in TGK-8.

Same day, LUKOIL President visited the site, allocated for the construction of a gas filling station of a new generation in Krasnaya Polyana settlement near Sochi. Energy supply to the station will be ensured mainly by solar panels, mounted on the roof of the building. LUKOIL’s retail spot will sell only ECTO branded environment friendly fuels.

“Russia’s South is the most convenient area to launch innovative energy saving technologies. It is the Krasnaya Polyana surroundings, where LUKOIL plans to construct the first ever gas filling station in Russia, using solar energy as the source of power”, Vagit Alekperov informed.

  • Press release in PDF