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Press Release


{ 10/31/2017 12:00:00 AM }

President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin awarded a commendation to the head of LUKOIL, Vagit Alekperov. It is noted in the award recommendation that, as the leader of one of the major vertically integrated oil and gas companies, the LUKOIL President facilitates economic growth, social peace and also conservation of a favorable environment and considerate use of natural resources. 

The executive order, published on the official governmental website for issues related to effective legislation, says that the commendation is awarded "in recognition of Mr. Alekperov's contribution to the development of entrepreneurship, initiatives for the benefit of the society and years of dedicated work".

Vagit Alekperov's work achievements are distinguished with various state awards, a certificate of appreciation and commendations of the Russian Federation President and also with ministerial insignia and awards of non-governmental organizations.   

  • Press release in PDF

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