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Press Release


{ 9/25/2008 12:00:00 AM }

Today the terminal ‘LUKOIL-II’ located in Vysotsk (Leningrad Region) hosted anti-terror maneuvers called ‘Technology-2008’.

The maneuvers were held to exercise joint actions of the Federal Security Service, the Ministry of Defense, the Federal Protective Service, EMERCOM and LUKOM-A Agency which provides security of OAO LUKOIL facilities.

In accordance with the agenda, an alleged raiding and terrorist squad penetrated the terminal premises, took hostages, mined the central office and a freight train loaded with petroleum products.

Afterwards, the terrorists put forward their claims and threatened to explode the train and start shooting their captives if their demands were not met.

The headquarters resolved to free the hostages by means of force and neutralize the terrorists.

As a result of a successful operation all the hostages were rescued, several terrorists were killed, while the rest were captured by special services. The planted explosive devices were deactivated. Besides, in the immediate vicinity of the terminal special agents arrested a car with the suspected accomplices equipped with a portable radio and materials to create an explosive device. A team of dog specialists also detected a self-made explosive device planted at the railroad bridge leading to the terminal. A border patrol ship, which was guarding the terminal offshore area, also participated in the maneuvers. The marine border guards had to open fire at the speedboat which was moving in the direction of the terminal and ignored repeated orders to stop.

The maneuvers were also attended by observers from the special services and law-enforcement authorities of the G-8 countries and the Baltic nations and also UN and OSCE representatives.

In 2003 similar maneuvers were arranged at the Company’s facilities located in Budennovsk, whereas in 2004 the exercises were hosted by Volgograd and Perm. In 2006 LUKOIL participated in joint maneuvers titled ‘Caspian Sea- 2006’ initiated by Russia and Kazakhstan . In October, 2006, maneuvers named ‘Dark Shadow- 2006’ were held on the premises of a LUKOIL Refinery in Burgas ( Bulgaria ). At the beginning of September, 2008, the Volgograd Refinery hosted international maneuvers titled ‘Volgograd-Anti-terror 2008’ with participation of defense and law enforcement agencies and special services of the member-states under the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

‘Vysotsk maneuvers have proved practical efficiency of interaction between the government anti-terror structures and oil companies’ security subdivisions. Our company intends to cooperate actively with defense and law enforcement agencies to fight terrorism’, Mr. Alekperov commented.

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