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30 years of sustainable development

1991 - 1994
  • The LANGEPASURAICOGALYMNEFT oil company was founded ("LUKOIL") and incorporated as LUKOIL Oil Company OJSC

  • Start of organized trading of the Company's shares on the secondary market (Russian Commodity Exchange

  • The Department of Industrial and Environmental Safety and Labor Protection was created

  • Establishment of the LUKOIL Charity Foundation and the Association of Trade Union Organizations

  • First cooperation agreements signed with Russian regions

1995 - 1997
  • LUKOIL's single share gained blue-chip status, and LUKOIL bonds were listed on the London Stock Exchange

  • The first Environmental Safety Program was put into effect

  • LUKOIL's first Energy Saving Program was adopted

  • The first APG utilization projects were implemented

  • An agreement was signed between the employer and the trade union associations across Russian entities

  • The Institute of Trade Unions for Occupational Safety and Health was established

1998 - 2000
  • The HSE Policy of LUKOIL Group in the 21st Century was adopted

  • A zero-discharge principle was introduced for offshore projects

  • The Social Code of PJSC LUKOIL was adopted

  • The first collective agreements were signed

2001 - 2005
  • Committees of the Board of Directors were established

  • The first Sustainability Report was published

  • The Company Sea and River Terminals Safe Operation Concept was approved

  • An inventory of GHG emissions was conducted, implementation of Kyoto projects in progress

  • A quality management system was created

  • Russia's first Social Project Competition was held

  • The Company's HR Policy was adopted 

2006 - 2010
  • LUKOIL became a member of the UN Global Compact and the Social Charter of Russian Business (the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs — RSPP)

  • The LUKOIL Code of Business Conduct and Ethics was adopted

  • An agreement was signed between the employer and trade union associations across foreign entities

  • The Council for Young Professionals was founded

2011 - 2015
  • LUKOIL Group's Technical Policy on Energy Efficiency was adopted

  • The Risk management function was established and elaborated

  • Certification for compliance with the international standard ISO 50001 Energy Management System

  • Participation in international CDP Reporting and the Global Environment Facility's Biodiversity Conservation Program

  • Transition to the production of only Class 5 gasoline (Euro-5 compliant) 

2016 - 2020
  • The HSE Committee was established

  • The Strategy and Investment Committee was reorganized as the Strategy, Investment, Sustainable Development and Climate Adaptation Committee

  • LUKOIL Group's strategic goals for sustainable development were determined

  • The Antimonopoly Policy of LUKOIL Group and Anti-Corruption Policy of PJSC LUKOIL were approved

  • Adoption of the Arctic Biodiversity Program

  • Joining the World Bank's "Zero Routine Flaring by 2030" initiative

  • Improvements to the carbon management system

  • The Human Capital Management Policy of PJSC LUKOIL was adopted

2020 – 2022
  • The LUKOIL Group Sustainability Policy was adopted

  • The LUKOIL Group Human Rights Policy was adopted


  • Joining the Oil & Gas Decarbonization Charter