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Clean water

The LUKOIL HSE Policy outlines efficient management obligations in relation to natural resources, including aquatic ones. Priority is given to the following topics:

  • minimize the impact of business activities, including without limitation by decreasing the withdrawal of water from natural sources; 

  • make production facilities less susceptible to potential adverse externalities, including natural ones (droughts, shallowing of surface water bodies, contamination of subsurface sources, etc.).

Under the Environmental Safety Program, all efficient aquatic resources management activities are combined into the "Clean water" subprogram.  LUKOIL's primary approach to addressing the issue of sustainable water use is to rely on recirculated water supply and water recycling, improve the quality of effluent treatment, and reduce process loss of water. Power generation, refining, and petrochemical facilities both in and outside of Russia are fitted out with recirculated water supply and process water recycling systems. Oil producing enterprises re-inject associated produced water to maintain reservoir pressure. New production facilities must at all times be fitted with recirculated water supply systems and water treatment facilities. To improve its water management, the Company carries out construction, upgrading and retooling of its water and effluent treatment systems.