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Press Release


{ 9/21/2011 12:00:00 AM }

Vagit Alekperov, OAO LUKOIL President, heads the list of the Company’s top executives included in the Top 1,000 Russian Managers by the National Association of Managers.

The list includes:

- Sergei Kukura, First Vice President of OAO LUKOIL;

- Andrey Kuzyaev, Vice President of OAO LUKOIL, President of LUKOIL Overseas Holding Ltd.;

- Valery Subbotin, Vice President, Head of the Main Division of Sales and Supplies of OAO LUKOIL;

- Anatoly Moskalenko, Head of the Main Division of Human Resources of OAO LUKOIL;

- Sergei Malyukov, Head of the Main Division of Control, Internal Audit and Risk Management of OAO LUKOIL;

- Alexander Vasilenko, Head of the Public Relations Department of OAO LUKOIL;

- Maxim Tararashkin, Head of the Division for Interaction with Central and Regional Authorities of OAO LUKOIL.

  • Press release in PDF